BLOOMAGE Privacy Policy

Publisehed Date: 2023.01.01

This website are operated by Bloomage Biotechnology Corp., Ltd.  and its affiliated subsidiaries overseas (hereinafter collectively referred to as "BLOOMAGE BIOTECH" or "we").


This website does not provide registered user services for consumers. Businesses interested in our products are welcome to leave a message to contact us, or become our registered users, enjoy our further services, for more information about rights and obligations of registered users please see “BLOOMAGE BIOTECH Registered User Agreement” (hereinafter referred to as “Registered User Agreement”).


We are aware of the importance of personal information to you (including those who register and use our website on behalf of a business) and wish to explain to you through this Privacy Policy how we collect, use, store, share, transfer, disclose and protect your personal information and rights during your use of our website and related services, important aspects of which relating to your personal information rights, which we have highlighted in bold for your particular attention.


Please read this Privacy Policy carefully before using the website and related services, and confirm that you fully understand and agree before using the Website or providing information to us. We will then use and protect your personal information lawfully in accordance with relevant laws and regulations and this Privacy Policy.


If you have any complaints about the security of your personal information, or have any questions, comments or suggestions of this Privacy Policy, you may contact us through the contact details provided in [Section X] of this Privacy Policy.


This Privacy Policy describes:

I. How We Collect and Use Your Personal Information

II. How we use Cookie & Similar Technologies

III. How We Share, Transfer and Publicly Disclose Your Personal Information

IV. How We Protect and Store Your Personal Information

V. How We Protect the Personal Information of Minors

VI. Your Rights

VII. How Your Personal Information is Transferred Globally

VIII. Third Party Website Links

IX. Privacy Policy Updates and Notices

X. Contact Us


I. How We Collect and Use Your Personal Information

We will collect and use personal information that you voluntarily provide or are generated in your use of this website or, to the extent authorized by you, from third parties for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy, in accordance with the principles of lawfulness, legitimacy and necessity. If you refuse us to collect your personal information for a specific purpose, we may not be able to provide you with corresponding products and services.


If we wish to use your personal information for purposes other than those set out in this Privacy Policy, or to use information collected for a specific purpose for other purposes, we will inform you in a reasonable manner and obtain your consent again or have other legal basis prior to such use.


1. Contact Us

If you are interested in our products and would like to obtain more information about our products and discuss cooperation with us, you can contact us by leaving a message online. Our online message function is currently only available to businesses.


When you use the online message function, you will need to provide us with your country, company name, name, email address and specific content of your message.


We collect and use those information in order to understand the identity of the person leaving the message and the content of the enquiry, and to contact the person who submitted the message to communicate about the intention of cooperation. The collection and use of those information is based on your voluntary consent.


2. Ensure the Operation and Security of Website

When you visit the website and use the services, we will collect details of your visit and use of the website services and store them as web logs. The web logs include your IP information, visit time, web browsing and operation records (including search records).


We collect and use those information in order to properly provide you with our services and to ensure the security of our website and the accounts of registered users. The collection and use of those information is necessary to fulfill our statutory obligations or is based on our legitimate interests, in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations.


Please note that log information alone can not identify a specific natural person. If we combine such non-personal information with other information to identify a specific natural person or use it in combination with personal information, such non-personal information will be treated as personal information for the duration of the combined use, and we will anonymize and de-identify such personal information unless we obtain your authorization or unless otherwise required by laws and regulations. Such information will be treated and protected as your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy for the duration of the combined use.


3. Registered Users

You can choose to become our registered user and enjoy our special services. When you become our registered user, we will collect your personal information in the following situations:


3.1. Registration & Login

When you create an account you need to provide us your name, contact telephone number, email address, email verification code, company name, country and province and set your account password. When you log in to your account, you will need to provide us with your email address and the account password.


We collect and use those information to verify your user identity, and to communicate and contact with you (including to send you important messages relating to your use of the website, e.g. send your verification codes, notices of upgrades, maintenance and discontinuance of this website, and notices of material changes to the Registered User Agreement and this Privacy Policy). The collection and use of those information is necessary for entering into and performance of the contract (Registered User Agreement) to which you are a party.


You may also choose whether or not to provide us with the information of your job title, company website, postal code, company address, and city when you create the account so that we can provide you with a better service or experience. The collection and use of those information is based on your consent.


3.2. Login via Third Party Account

In order to facilitate your use of the website, you may bind the account with your WeChat account and use your WeChat account to log into this website and use the services of this website. We will obtain and use the personal information from WeChat that you authorize WeChat to provide to us, including profile picture, nickname, mobile phone number, WeChat number, WeChat ID. The collection and use of those personal information is based on your authorized consent.


3.3. Email Newsletters

When you create the account, you can choose whether or not to subscribe email newsletters and allow us to send you our business and event news and marketing information. You can withdraw your consent and unsubscribe from the newsletters at any time in an email newsletter from us.


Please note that after your unsubscription from the email newsletters, you may still receive from us important notices relating to your use of our services and you can not unsubscribe from such notice.


3.4. Product Sample Application and Delivery

You can provide us with recipient information, including your name, phone number, email address and address, so that we can send you product samples.


When you apply to us for product samples, we will collect your sample application number and the record of your sample applications, including information about the samples you applied for, the status of the applications, recipient information and the message you left online.


We collect and use those information to process your sample application and send you samples. The collection and use of those information is necessary for the performance of the contract to which you are a party (Registered User Agreement).


3.5. Add Products to Favorites

As you browse our website, you can add products that you are interested in to "My Favorites". In the course of your use of this function, we will collect your adding records.


We collect and use those information in order to provide you with better service and experience by allowing you to quickly find the products you are interested in. The collection and use of those information is based on your consent.


4. Conduct Data Analysis and Statistics

We may also aggregate, statistically analyze usage information of our product and service in order to improve our product and service, or to prevent security risks. Also, we may disclose this information to our partners or to the public to show overall usage and trends of our services, this information will not contain any identifiable information of you.


II. How We Use Cookies and Similar Technologies

We use cookies and similar technologies to ensure the correct functioning of this website and offer you a better experience with browsing and use of this website. For how we use cookies and similar technologies, and how you can manage and disable them, please see the “BLOOMAGE BIOTECK Cookie Policy”. “BLOOMAGE BIOTECK Cookie Policy” is an effective part of this privacy policy and has the same effect.


III. How We Share, Transfer and Publicly Disclose Your Personal Information

1. Sharing

In order to ensure the proper operation of our business and provide products or services to you, we may share your personal information with affiliated subsidiaries overseas. For example, when a user outside of PRC China apply for a product sample, the affiliated subsidiary in the country or areas where the user resides may need our domestic company to assist with the delivery and share your recipient information with our domestic company.


We do not sell any personal information to third parties.


We will not share your personal information with any companies, organizations and individuals other than BLOOMAGE BIOTECH, except for the following situations:


1.1. With your prior express consent or at your own request, we will share your personal information with third parties.


1.2. Necessary to perform the contracts to which you are a party (Registered User Agreement) and other related legal instruments. For example, we will need to provide your recipient information to a logistics service provider for the delivery of the product sample you applied for. The logistics service provider we cooperate with may differ from time to time. We will inform you of the logistics service provider we choose at the time of delivery. Please refer to their privacy policy for information how they process your personal information and how they protect your rights to your personal information.


1.3. Sharing in statutory circumstances: where your personal information is required to be shared in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, legal procedures, litigation/arbitration, government orders, requirements of supervisory authorities.


1.4. Sharing with third party service providers and business partners:

To help us provide you with products and services described in this Privacy Policy, we may entrust third party service providers and business partners with the processing of your personal information.


This includes our cloud storage service providers, and email service providers. We are committed to ensuring that the sharing of personal information necessary for providing services to you is solely for legitimate, legal, necessary, specific, and explicit purposes. We will enter into agreements with third party service providers and business partners requiring them to take appropriate security measures and process your personal information strictly in accordance with this Privacy Policy and any other relevant confidentiality agreements. 


1.5. Sharing with our group parent company

The information we provide to our parent company for internal audit purpose may include your personal information and we will only share your personal information to the extent necessary to fulfill this purpose.


1.6. Other situations prescribed by applicable laws and regulations.


2. Transfer

We will not transfer your personal information to any company, organization or individual, except in the following cases:


2.1. Where prior express consent or authorization has been obtained from you.


2.2. In the event of a merger, acquisition, transfer of assets or other similar transaction involving the transfer of personal information, we will give prominent notice of any change in ownership, use of your personal information by email and/or posting on our website or other appropriate means.


We will require the new organization holding your personal information to continue to be bound by this Privacy Policy, otherwise we will require that organization to seek authorized consent from you again.


3. Public Disclosure of Personal Information

We will only disclose your personal information in following situations and only if we take security measures that meet industry standards:


3.1. We may disclose your personal information specified by you upon your request and in a manner to which you have expressly consented.


3.2. We may publicly disclose your personal information and to the extent and in the manner in accordance with law, regulation, legal procedures, litigation/arbitration, government orders, requirements of supervisory authorities.


IV. How We Protect and Store Your Personal Information

1. How We Protect Your Personal Information

We take your personal information and privacy protection very seriously and endeavour to take reasonable security measures to protect your personal information. We have the corresponding data security capabilities, have taken measures to ensure the security of your personal information, and can disclose proof of compliance related to data security and personal information protection when necessary.


1.1. Technical Security Measures

We will use reasonable and feasible security measures in accordance with industry standards to prevent your personal information from unauthorized access, modification damage or loss. For example, we adopt encryption and de-identification technologies to ensure the security of personal information; use trusted protection mechanisms to prevent malicious attacks on personal information; deploy strict access control mechanisms to prevent unauthorized access and use of personal information.


1.2. Organizational and Management Measures

We have dedicated personnel in charge of personal information protection to promote and safeguard personal information security; we have formulated special rules and operating procedures on personal information protection to manage and regulate the processing of personal information; we conduct training courses on data security and personal information protection to enhance the awareness of our staff and other relevant personnel on the importance of protecting personal information.


1.3. Handling Personal Information Security Incidents

When a personal information security incident occurs unfortunately, we will initiate the emergency plan and take remedial measures to prevent the expansion of the security incident, and we will inform you of the security incident in a timely manner through reasonable and effective means in accordance with the requirements of applicable laws and regulations, and report the handling of the security incident in accordance with the requirements of relevant supervisory authorities.


1.4. Security Tips

Please understand that due to technical limitations and the possibility of various malicious means, it is not always possible to guarantee 100% security of information, even if we take the above measures in accordance with applicable laws, regulations and relevant standards. If you become aware that your account security is at risk or that your personal information has been compromised, please contact us immediately via the contact details in [Section X] of this Privacy Policy so that we can take appropriate action in a timely manner.


2. How We Store Your Personal Information

We will only store your personal information for as long as is necessary to achieve the purposes of this Privacy Policy or to comply with applicable laws and regulations.


We determine the duration of storage by considering the following factors: performance of a contract to which you a party (Registered User Agreement), special arrangements with you or our business partners, limitations of actions, corporate records management requirements, other applicable legal, accounting, reporting or regulatory requirements on how long certain records must be kept, etc. After these storage periods have been exceeded, we will delete or anonymize personal information.


V. How Do We Protect Personal Information of Minors

1. We take the protection of personal information of minors very seriously and we do not provide services of this website to minors under the age of 18.


2. If we notice that information of a minor has been voluntarily provided by his/her parent or guardian in the use of the website’s services, or that we have collected personal information of a minor without the prior verifiable consent of his/her parent or legal guardian, we will attempt to delete the data as soon as possible.


VI. Your rights

1. Your Rights to Your Personal Information

1.1. Depending on applicable laws and regulations, you may have the right to access, rectification, delete in relation to personal information that we hold about you  These rights will be subject to specific exclusions and exceptions under applicable laws.


(1) Right to Information

You have the right to information on how we process your personal information and the rights you have. We protect your right to information through this Privacy Policy.


(2) Right to Access and Copy

You have the right to access and copy your personal information we process.


(3) Right to Rectification

If you any information we are holding on you is incorrect or incomplete, you are entitled to have your personal information corrected or completed based on the purpose of use.


(4) Right to Deletion

Based on the requirements of applicable laws and regulations, you have the right to request the deletion or removal of your personal information where there is no compelling reason for us to keep using it. We shall consider the grounds regarding your delete request and take reasonable steps, including technical measures. Please note that we may not be able to immediately delete the information from the backup system due to applicable law and/or technological limitations. If this is the case, we will securely store your personal information and isolate it from any further processing until the backup can be deleted or be made anonymous.


1.2. In particular, according to applicable laws and regulations, you are also entitled to exercise the following rights, provided that the applicable legal requirements are met.


(1) Right to Data Portability: You have the right to request us to transmit your personal information directly to another personal information controller.


(2) Right to Objection: You have the right to object our processing of your personal information.


(3) Right to Restriction: You have the right to restrict our processing of your personal information.


1.3. Withdrawal of Consent

You have the right to withdraw your consent to our processing of personal data based on your consent.


Once you have withdrawn your consent, we will no longer process the relevant personal information. However, your decision to withdraw your consent will not affect the processing of personal information previously carried out on the basis of your consent, nor will it affect our continued processing of your personal information on other legal bases, such as the performance of contracts to which you are a party (Registered User Agreement), the fulfilment of obligations under applicable laws and regulations, etc.


1.4. Account Cancelling

You may cancel your account if you meet the account cancellation conditions in the Registered User Agreement. After your account is cancelled, we will cease to provide you with the services of this website and will no longer collect or use your personal information through this website, and will delete and anonymize your personal information, except as otherwise provided by applicable laws and regulations.


2. How You can Manage Your Personal Information

In order to make it easier for you to access, correct and delete your personal information during your use of this website and to safeguard your right to withdraw your consent to the processing of personal information, we have provided you with the appropriate operational settings in our website and related services.


2.1. Access, Rectification, Deletion

For registered users, you can access, rectify and delete your personal information by logging into the "Personal Centre" on this website.

(1) Click on “Profile” to access, rectify and delete basic information about you .

(2) Click on “Reset Password” to reset your account password.

(3) Click on “My Delivery Address” to access, rectify, add and delete your delivery address.

(4) Click on “Sample Application List” to access, rectify and delete your product sample applications.

(5) Click on “Sample Application History” to access your product sample application records.

(6) Click on "My Favorites" to access information on products you are interested in and added to “My Favorites".


2.2. Withdrawal of Consent

For registered users, you can withdraw your consent and unsubscribe from the newsletters at any time in an email newsletter from us.


3.  Responding to Your Request

3.1. In addition to the routes described in "2. How You Can Manage Your Personal Information ", you can submit your request to your rights to us through the contact details in Section X of this Privacy Policy.


3.2. To protect the security of your personal information and your account, we may need to verify your identity before processing your request, for example, through an email verification code, by asking you to provide a written request with relevant supporting documents and by other appropriate means.


3.3. In principle, we do not charge a fee for your reasonable requests, but we will charge a cost fee for repeated requests that beyond reasonable limits. Requests that are unnecessarily repetitive and require excessive technical means may be refused.


3.4. Please be aware that we may not respond to your request on a case-by-case basis in the following circumstances, including:

(1) in connection with the performance of obligations imposed by applicable law or regulation on the processor of personal information;

(2) directly related to national security or defense security;

(3) directly related to public security, public health or vital public interests;

(4) directly related to criminal investigations, prosecutions, trials and execution of judgments, etc.;

(5) where the personal information controller has sufficient evidence of subjective malice or abuse of rights by the subject of the personal information;

(6) where it is necessary to protect the life, property and other significant legitimate rights and interests of the subject of personal information or other individuals but it is difficult to obtain their authorized consent;

(7) where responding to the request of the subject of personal information would result in serious damage to the legitimate rights and interests of the subject of personal information or other individuals or organizations; or

(8) where commercial secrets are involved.


VII. How Your Personal Information is Transferred Globally

As a global company, your personal information collected from BLOMMAGE BIOTECH may be stored and processed or accessed outside your jurisdiction and in countries/regions where our affiliates or third-party service providers are located, and these countries/regions may have different personal information protection laws. We will only transfer your personal information across borders for the purpose of protecting our business operations and providing you with the services and products described in this Privacy Policy, for example, when a registered user outside of PRC China apply for a product sample, the affiliated subsidiary in the country or areas where the user resides may need our domestic company to assist with the delivery and transfer your recipient information across border to the territory of PRC China.


You acknowledge and consent to the transfer of your personal information across borders to the extent necessary to achieve the above purposes, including the transfer of personal information originating by you in EU to countries/regions where are not recognized by European Commission as having an equivalent level of data protection. In such cases, we will adopt appropriate security measures and try our best endeavors to protect your personal information at same standard of in your jurisdiction.


VIII. Third Party Website Links

The website may contain links to other independent third-party websites. The personal information you provide through these websites is not governed by this Privacy Policy and we are not responsible for the processing of your personal information by these websites. If you access these sites through links, please note that these sites have their own Privacy Policies which describe how they collect and process your personal information when you visit these websites.


IX. Privacy Policy Updates and Notices

1. In order to provide you with better services, the functions and services of this website will be updated and changed from time to time, and we will revise the Privacy Policy from time to time. However, we will not reduce your rights under this Privacy Policy without your express consent.


2. We will issue updates to the website and alert you to the updates in an appropriate manner. For material changes, we will show you the changes and the changed Privacy Policy in a pop-up window, push notification or other appropriate means when you log in and when the version is updated.


Material changes within the meaning of this Privacy Policy include, but are not limited to,

(1) significant changes to our services, including the purposes for which personal information is processed, the types of personal information processed, and the manner in which personal information is used;

(2) significant changes in our ownership structure, organizational structure, including changes in ownership resulting from business restructuring, bankruptcy mergers and acquisitions, etc.;

(3) changes in the primary recipients of personal information shared, transferred or publicly disclosed;

(4) material changes in your rights to participate in the processing of personal information and how they are exercised;

(5) when there is a change in our contact details; or

(6) when a personal information protection impact assessment report indicates a high risk.


X. Contact Us

1. If you want to exercise your rights to your personal information, have any comments or questions about this Privacy Policy, or have any complaints about the security of your personal information, you can contact us at:


Address: No. 678, Tianchen Street, Hi-Tech Development District, Jinan Province, China 250101

Tel: 0531-82685998



If you are from the EU, please contact us at:

Bloomage Biotechnology SAS

Address: 46 bis, Avenue du Maine, 75015 Paris, France

Tel: +33659244750



If you are from the USA, please contact us at:

[please add name of US subsidiary].

Address: 181 New Road, Suite 308, Parsippany, NJ 07054, USA

Tel: +1 973 428 4925      



If you are from Japan, please contact us at:

ブルーメイジバイオテクノロジージャパン Co. Huaxi Biotech Japan Co.

Address: Room 437, 1-2 Chiyoda Futamachi, Tokyo, Japan

Tel: 81-3-6256-9688     



2. When we receive your request to your right, or inquiry or complaint, we have dedicated personnel in charge of personal information protection to resolve your problem. If you are not satisfied with the response you receive, you may lodge a complaint with the relevant supervisory authority in your jurisdiction.


3. We will review the issue as soon as possible and respond to your request, inquiry, complaint within a reasonable period of time in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.